Inventory Levels Increased But Remain Low - Bellingham Is Still A Sellers' Market
The neighborhood where your home is located has a big impact on how it is valued. Are homes fixed up? Are the schools in your neighborhood considered better quality? Likewise, attributes like a view, connected greenbelt (undeveloped land, like maybe a park), proximity to neighbor homes, etc. have a big impact on how much someone is willing to pay for your home.
Once you have bought your home, you can't change it's location, but you can fix it up and make it attractive to buyers. That’s why home staging is so important - a home that is visually appealing will almost always sell faster and for more money – there’s your motivation!
No matter how grand or modest your home, it will sell, if priced correctly. The challenge is pricing your home at a price that attract Buyers. No one likes to think they sold their home for less than what it is worth. But pricing your home too high, to "see what happens" often results in your selling your home for less than if you had priced the home correctly when you first listed your home.
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